Director: Joseph Cedar
Writer: Joseph Cedar
Stars: Shlomo Bar-Aba, Lior Ashkenazi and Aliza Rosen
Runtime: 103 min
Genres: Drama
Release Date: 9 March 2012 (USA)
Writer: Joseph Cedar
Stars: Shlomo Bar-Aba, Lior Ashkenazi and Aliza Rosen
Runtime: 103 min
Genres: Drama
Release Date: 9 March 2012 (USA)
The tale of an excellent competition between a dad and son, both unusual tutors in the Talmud office of Hebrew School in Jerusalem. The son has an addicting reliance on the accept and awards that the organization provides, while his dad is a persistent purist with a worry and powerful revulsion for what the organization appears for, yet below his disregard is situated a anxious desire for some type of acknowledgement. The Israel Prize, Israel's most exclusive nationwide award, is the pride that delivers these two to any, nasty conflict.