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In Time Movie
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Director: Andrew Niccol

Writer: Andrew Niccol

Stars: Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried and Cillian Murphy

Genres: Crime | Sci-Fi | Thriller

Release Date: 28 October 2011 (USA)

Merger of crime, suspense, science fiction and drama, "In Time" is a movie set for the future possibility that the problem of how to control overpopulation in the coming days. It is based on the age at which people stop aging 25, and none can stay alive until and if he / she pays his time. Life belongs to a class of goods, which can be mistaken for a couple of dollars. The aging of the genes are turned off, and give long life to be treated like any other luxury. Rich has become immortal, while the brotherhood of the poor are left to their fate to die very soon. In an age where time is money and the police are up to the participants, it has become essential for the poor to beg, steal and borrow. In Time Watch online to find out how the rich are enjoying the gift of life, for centuries, while the poor try to live another day.

Well, in this strange world, saw a poor guy, Will, who, having inherited a fortune on the life of a man of higher class which is taken dead on charges of murder by the police corrupt city. As a watch is engraved on the arm of everyone, indicating the authorized period of your life, he suggests, about an extension of its period of life. But things up and down the poor guy, he must run for his life, only to discover that he is accused of killing a man rich.
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